God loves a trier… so why don’t more vegans?

Let’s face it, there are loads of people who see veganism as ‘extreme’.

It’s certainly at one end of the spectrum. 

Don’t get me wrong, I have investigated and experienced the benefits. I got lucky in that a very good friend of mine who washed and didn’t hug trees or have dreadlocks, introduced it to me and I liked it. My sleep improved immeasurably, I had less lethargy, and my tits virtually disappeared. It has made me so much happier especially when I 💩. I never gave a shit (no pun intended) about the animals lives, sounds terrible but I just didn’t. This was like the bonus ball that came later, along with ‘doing my bit’ for the climate and our kids, in the same way as I would take time to recycle.

When you look back through history at the Suffragette Movement as well as the Civil Rights movement there were various groups who simply couldn’t come together because of their inability to compromise, only delaying their common fundamental objective. History repeats itself and I see this happening now with a move towards a wholefoods more plant based diet that is healthier for our society and planet. 

Food is broad. Some foods will stimulate your brain. Some foods will stimulate your ability to grow and prevent disease. I know which way I want to lean and my choices reflect this.

In spite of this ‘piece of cake’, maybe it’s my OCD tendency, but something doesn’t allow me to entertain extremes, they can really drive my anxiety as I have to be perfect. Maybe it’s because I am terrified of failure. If you are able to do it, that’s truly commendable and I salute you!

It’s the triers who are going to make the real change though. We are the majority and maybe that’s the problem. Vegans like their little clique and actually would rather Joe Public fucked off. He’s ruining the ‘vibe’.

Challenging the status quo is one of the most uncomfortable things a human can do. We feel safer not doing anything. I went back and forth, back and forth before finally settling on this sometimes confusing ‘tryingan’ diet. Like I will order an Oat Latte but ask for chocolate on top 🤷🏻‍♂️. Or a vegan burger but put Mayo in 🤨. I also had to wean myself off certain foods to reduce my cravings for them and alter my taste buds (no idea if there is any science behind that or not). 

Today my buying decisions are heavily in favour of wholefood, organic, healthy, sustainable food. Which meets my investment criteria: what makes me feel good, strong and fit. That’s also how I eventually came to realise was the only way I would ultimately affect any real change. So for me, you can have your cake, and eat it.